
This can be found via Navigator | Documents | Search. Search gives you the ability to search all documents and images stored in the current database.

Note that searching can also be done through 'Document Store'. This can be found as an option within HRpack, for example in Positions (see Documents in HRpack) and OHS, for example in Incidents (see Documents in OHS).

Access to Documents | Search is dependent on user security, therefore it may not be available within the Navigator menu.

Searching for a document or image

The Documents Search window will display a complete listing of all documents and images. Search looks through the Title and Description fields.

  1. Type appropriate text in the Search For box. For example, you may want to locate the MSDS documents, or all documents or images with NSW in the title.
  2. Click Search. This will display the search results in the lower panel.
  3. If the search results are too extensive, you will need to refine your search criteria.


  • Once you have completed your search, you may want to display all document and image files again. In the Search For box type * then click Search. This is the wildcard that searches for everything.
  • This will search through ALL documents, files, and records* stored in the current database. This includes loaded and attached files.
  • Warning: because of the extent of the search, i.e. every item/file in the entire database is checked (which could take considerable time) we recommend that you are more specific in your search criteria.

*Records: these might exist in HRpack or OHS. For example, a record can be a note of information within an employee's file. To create a record like this, you would open the employee's file, go to the Documents node, and click Add New. Then instead of browsing for a file, you specify a title (which is the field the Search process looks at) and then add the information within the Contents tab. As the File field is empty, it indicates that this is a Record not a File.


Note: Once you have completed your search, you may want to display all document and image files again. In the Search For box type * then click Search. This is the wildcard that searches for everything.